Monday 1 February 2010


After a weekend in Bristol hunting out authentic Banksy pieces I have just been hunting for his whereabouts to find out what he has been up too and he has been at his usual game secretly sneeking around when noone is looking splattering the walls of the world. This time across the walls in Park City, Utah. Banksy pieces have been spotted around the area of the Sundance Film Festival, where a suprise screening of the Banksy documentary 'Exit Through The Gift Shop' is expected to take place.

'Exit Through the Gift Shop' is due to open in UK cinemas from 5th March 2010.

Monday Monday

Monday Monday

A new week, a new day, a new burst of energy telling me to get involved and sort it out. Jeff stop dwelling in self pity get out there and be who you want to be. So I thought, for starters why not create a blog and keep this de engergised mind of mine on the look out for new and exciting things to share. I have a million and 3 photos tucked away on cds/hard drives/ in boxes from my last 10 years on this planet getting dusty and unappreciated so i thought its about time to blow off the dust and share them with the world. You may like them, you may not but this is my page, my palace and my freedom of speach so either enjoy, embrase and get involved or shuffle along now.......My names Jeff and I am a Digital Artist and Photographer. I am a virgin to blogging so please have patience with me and i will soon be an extreme blog artist :)